Fashion Institute of Technology issues RFP for strategic advertising services


Due Date: January 12, 2024; questions due November 20, 2023

Scope of Work: Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) seeks an advertising / marketing agency to develop a media buying strategy and create campaigns that reflect and support the college’s brand positioning and recruitment goals. The scope of work will include, but is not limited to:

  • The agency will develop a comprehensive media strategy and develop creative for advertising and marketing the college. Social media and digital advertising will lead the campaigns, which at times may require integration of some or all of the following — print, out of home, broadcast, and other channels — into a comprehensive strategy. The agency will create, purchase, and analyze media in support of the college’s marketing priorities;
  • Developing and implementing a media strategy per target audience;
  • Supporting creative executions and production for each campaign, including developing visuals, writing ad copy, and designing paid media; 
  • Negotiating rates and purchasing media on the college’s behalf;
  • Monitoring ROI and providing regular and actionable reporting on all paid media, utilizing tools such as Google Adwords and Meta Business accounts;
  • Vetting and assessing media solicitations on behalf of the college and making appropriate recommendations

Contact: Questions should be submitted to

RFP Link