Discover Puerto Rico issues RFP for US PR assistance


Due Date: August 11, 2023

Scope of Work: Discover Puerto Rico seeks to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of its communication and media efforts through the selection of a strategic and results--oriented media relations agency. The selected agency will provide strong strategy and insight for initiatives that elevate Puerto Rico nationally.

The selected agency's responsibilities may include but are not limited to: 

  • Position Discover Puerto Rico as a world-class tourism destination for leisure and business travelers.
  • Maintain, evolve and activate robust crisis management plans both on the ground in Puerto Rico and off-Island.
  • Identify and leverage industry and market-specific trends to generate coverage for Puerto Rico and differentiate the Island.
  • Generate creative, innovative ideas to set the destination apart, increase awareness and maintain momentum.
  • Generate outstanding publicity representing the entire Island (beyond San Juan and iconic tourism attractions).
  • Identify and leverage celebrity and entertainment opportunities. 
  • Develop, maintain and leverage influencer program.
  • Expand and strategically solidify the destination's DE&I strategy.
  • Enhance the credibility of the organization and its effectiveness in attracting visitors to Puerto Rico through thought leadership opportunities.
  • Mitigate potential negative issues and perception while increasing goodwill for the organization locally and on the Mainland.
  • Manage potential media crisis and protect brand reputation.
  • Promote Puerto Rico's diverse tourism product.
  • Secure targeted broadcast opportunities for Discover Puerto Rico's key programs and initiatives.
  • Align with external partners and leverage existing agency partners/clients who share common objectives and can elevate awareness and desirability of Puerto Rico's brand.
  • Stay abreast of local developments, paying special attention to politics, public affairs and the tourism industry, among other areas.
  • Establish relationships with trade and industry publications to leverage and support MICE.
  • Full alignment and integration with internal teams (digital, creative, social) for content creation and asset management
  • Integrate and collaborate with other agencies (creative, digital, traditional media, etc.), including joint activations, shared plans, collaborations etc.
  • Monthly, quarterly and annual reporting on media coverage, quality, value, and impact. Responsible for all tracking (media and influencer tools/software licensing.)
  • Keep detailed records and meet stringent requirements established by federal and local government agencies, including billing, reporting, and measuring results.

Contact: Xiomara Rodriguez, CMO //

RFP Link