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Sid Lee | Agency Profile, Contacts, AOR, Client Relationships

Service: design firm

Main Telephone
(206) 467-5800
Primary Address
1505 Fifth Avenue
Suite 600
Seattle, WA 98101

Sid Lee Contacts

Contacts (5)
Name Title State
Jack A. Chairman WA
Sample of Related Brands
Email: *****@*******.***
Main Phone: (206) 467-5800
Direct Phone: *** **** ***   ext: ****
Assistant Name: ** **** ***
Assistant Phone: *** **** ***
Address: 1505 Fifth Avenue
Suite 600
Seattle, WA

Melissa C. Head, Strategy WA
Bruno L. Executive Creative Director WA
Rachael K. Account Director WA
Rachel B. Director, Art WA

Client Relationships

Brand Service From To Media Spend
******* **** Creative *
******* **** ******* Creative *
*** ***** Creative *
**** ******* ******* Creative *

See Winmo sales intelligence in action


Campaign Imminent: Dickies taps earned media & influencer AORs (Score 67)

Sales Lead: 

Additional spending insights:

  • Digital and social insights (digital ad spend, effectiveness, impressions, and performance)
    • YTD spend: Dickies has spent approximately $1.4m on digital ads YTD, flat from the approximately $1.4m spent by this point last year.
    • YTD data: So far this year, the brand has earned an estimated 188.2m digital impressions, 68% via Instagram ads, 31% via Facebook ads, and 1% via YouTube ads.
    • Last year: In 2022, Dickies spent roughly $4.2m on this channel, up 5% from the roughly $4m spent in 2021.
  • Additional channel insights  
    • The brand utilizes digital and Google Ads.
    • Dickies holds planning conversations in Q2 and buying conversations in Q1.

Additional agency insights:

  • Opportunity: Get in touch soon to see if media, creative, multicultural, experiential, and/or digital analytics hires follow these agency hires.
  • Current agency roster:

Insight Sources: Digital spend insights estimated by .