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Nail Communications | Agency Profile, Contacts, AOR, Client Relationships

Service: brand consultancy

Main Telephone
(401) 331-6245
Primary Address
63 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903

Nail Communications Contacts

Contacts (5/8)
Name Title State
Brian G. Creative Partner RI
Sample of Related Brands
Email: *****@*******.***
Main Phone: (401) 331-6245
Direct Phone: *** **** ***   ext: ****
Assistant Name: ** **** ***
Assistant Phone: *** **** ***
Address: 63 Eddy Street

Providence, RI

Alec B. Creative Partner RI
Jeremy C. Managing Partner RI
Lizzi W. Partner RI
Jeanette P. PArtner RI

Client Relationships

Brand Service From To Media Spend
******** Creative *
******** Creative *
********** **** Digital, Social, Creative *
**** ******** Creative, Digital *

See Winmo sales intelligence in action


Digital B2B Opps: Polartec names PR & communication AOR (Score 16)

responsible for brand storytelling to promote Polartec's sustainable and innovative fabric technologies. It will also help build brand awareness. Polartec produces fire-resistant, insulating and weatherproof fabrics. 

Per Pathmatics, Polartec earned 5.3m impressions in 2021 through desktop display ads (86%), mobile display ads (14%) and Twitter ads (1%). It placed the majority (72%) of these ads site direct onto sites such as,,, and It placed the remainder (28%) indirectly through Google AdX+AdSense onto sites such as,,, and It spent about $37.6k on digital display ads in 2021, a significant increase from just $100 in this channel in 2020. It has not allocated any budget towards this channel YTD. 

Sellers-- Polartec targets performance, lifestyle and workwear brands. It is not traditionally a big-time advertiser, but it did invest in digital display ads in 2021. The company spent the majority of its ad dollars during Q3 last year, so I would not be surprised if it followed that trend again this year. Start reaching out soon to offer ad space. 

Agency & martech readers-- To the best of my knowledge, Polartec works with Nail Communications on creative, with an in-house media team. Agency hires tend to follow one another, so get in touch with Polartec's DMs to see if it needs any more help.