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Bruce Mau Design | Agency Profile, Contacts, AOR, Client Relationships

Service: package design firm

Main Telephone
(416) 306-6401
Primary Address
340 King Street, East
Toronto, ON M5A 1K8

Bruce Mau Design Contacts

Contacts (2)
Name Title State
Chris A. Director, Creative ON
Sample of Related Brands
Email: *****@*******.***
Main Phone: (416) 306-6401
Direct Phone: *** **** ***   ext: ****
Assistant Name: ** **** ***
Assistant Phone: *** **** ***
Address: 340 King Street, East

Toronto, ON
M5A 1K8

Diane M. Partner & Vice President, Client Services ON

See Winmo sales intelligence in action


Campaign Imminent: Former #60 Asics rebrands for first time in a decade to jumpstart sales

creative duties after a review that began late last year. So, sellers should keep going after this traditional and digital new campaign revenue aimed at the wider millennial active lifestyle fitness crowd.

Asics's traditional and digital advertising falling US revenue hasn't improved since ad budgets were cut. I'm not saying there's actually a correlation between falling advertising spend and falling revenue, but brands often like to see it that way and take a 180. 

An edge securing revenue may go to sellers offering high ROI social and digital platforms. Asics wants to better engage with consumers and create a more emotional connection, OMD, LA has had media since last year. 

Additional Insight

TV Breakdown: Almost $540,000 has gone to national TV ads since last year, most of which appear to be tied to sponsorship deals. For instance, 75% of this spending went to ads running during "Beach Volleyball." And, Asics is the official sponsor of the International Volleyball Association. 

Digital Breakdown: $3.3 million has garnered 365.2 million impressions since last August, way down from the $13.7 million spent on 1.1 billion impressions during the prior year period. Pathmatics shows that spending the past year has been about 60/40 desktop banners and desktop video.

Almost 80% of these impressions were bought site direct. Most of the remainder flowed programmatically through DSP Drawbridge.