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160over90 | Agency Profile, Contacts, AOR, Client Relationships

Service: sponsorship & events marketing

Main Telephone
(212) 586-5100
Primary Address
304 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010

160over90 Contacts

Contacts (5/15)
Name Title State
Ed H. President NY
Sample of Related Brands
Email: *****@*******.***
Main Phone: (212) 586-5100
Direct Phone: *** **** ***   ext: ****
Assistant Name: ** **** ***
Assistant Phone: *** **** ***
Address: 304 Park Avenue South

New York, NY

Lori S. Video Director NY
Megan A. Associate Creative Director NY
Kristy H. Associate Director, Creative NY
Kate G. Account Director NY

Client Relationships

Brand Service From To Media Spend
**** ******* Public Relations *
***** ***** ******* Creative, Digital, Media Buying, Media Planning *
********* Creative, Digital, Media Buying, Media Planning *
********* Public Relations, Social *
********* Creative, Digital, Media Buying, Media Planning *

See Winmo sales intelligence in action


Gen-Z, Millennial Opps: The Trevor Project taps new DMs amid digital spend increase (Score 71)

Sales Lead: 

  • Wong joined TTP in April 2018 and was most recently its communications VP.
    • His responsibilities now expand upon those of Calvin Stowell, TTP's former CGO, who departed in February 2023.
    • With this promotion, Wong will focus on diversifying the organization's demographic reach.
  • Budinger was previously TTP's senior communications manager.
    • He will lead a team that includes senior integrated marketing director Abie Peacock and brand and content VP Megan Stowe.
  • TTP also hired creative director Nathanio Strimpopulos towards the end of 2022 and promoted campaigns director Abie McCauley to senior integrated marketing direction earlier in 2023.
  • The organization will likely:
    • Shift strategy
    • Keep increasing spend
    • Conduct agency reviews
  • Target demographic
    • Gen-Z and millennials

Additional spending insights:

  • Broadcast insights (TV ad creative spend, effectiveness, impressions, and performance)
    • 2021-2022 spend: TTP ended up allocating roughly $3.1k toward national TV commercials in 2022, only a third of the roughly $9.3k allocated in 2021.
    • 2022 ad programming: Its 2022 commercials targeted viewers of Love, Simon, Archer, Ice Age: Collision Course, and FXM Presents.
  • Digital and social insights (digital ad spend, effectiveness, impressions, and performance)
    • 2021-2022 spend: In 2022, the organization spent approximately $7.7m on digital ads, 43% more than the approximately $5.4m spent in 2021.
    • 2022 data: TTP earned around 937.9m digital impressions last year via Facebook (52%), Instagram (39%), desktop display (6%), and mobile display (3%) ads.
  • Additional channel insights  
    • The organization works with celebrity influencers, utilizes cause marketing, and invests in Google Ads. 

Additional agency insights:

Insight Sources: Broadcast insights estimated by .