Porter Novelli - DC Agency Profile - Winmo

Porter Novelli - DC Agency Profile

Company Overview:

Porter Novelli - DC is an agency with a focus on public relations, full service. They are a publicly held agency.

Primary Address

3050 K Street Northwest
Suite 100
Washington, DC 20007

Porter Novelli - DC Clients

Explore a detailed list of current and past client that work with Porter Novelli - DC. Sort clients by location, industry, and agency assignment including creative, PR, media planning, media buying and more. With Winmo’s detailed database, you can quickly see which clients list Porter Novelli - DC as the Agency of Record as well as the annual media spend.

Does Porter Novelli - DC have a holding company?
Omnicom is the holding company for Porter Novelli - DC.

AORMedia PlanningMedia Buying
Media PlanningMedia Buying
AORMedia PlanningMedia Buying
AORMedia PlanningMedia Buying
AORMedia PlanningMedia Buying

Porter Novelli - DC Employees

Explore a complete list of Porter Novelli - DC employees. We not only have the basics on each team member such as name, job title, brand responsibilities, email, and direct phone number, we also have detailed profiles that include unique insights, do’s and don’ts for engaging, plus both DiSC and Ocean personality profiles.

How many employees does Porter Novelli - DC have?
Porter Novelli - DC has an unknown number of people on their staff.

Main Phone:

Related Brands:

Win More with Winmo

If you are looking to tap into marketing spend managed by Porter Novelli - DC, Winmo paves a clear path to engaging the right contacts at the right time. Whether you are navigating large holding company agencies, or need to know account responsibilities of boutique shops, Winmo connects agencies, clients, and ad spend in an intuitive platform built for new business - even providing you with AI-powered email templates based on Porter Novelli - DC decision-makers' personality types. Winmo's award winning platform tracks this intel for those who control $100 billion in marketing spend each year, making it the top choice among sellers of agency services, advertising, marketing technology, or corporate sponsorships.