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Common Good | Agency Profile, Contacts, AOR, Client Relationships

Service: full service

Main Telephone
Primary Address
1800 Wazee Street
Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202

Common Good Contacts

Contacts (5/7)
Name Title State
Kelly R. Chief Executive Officer CO
Sample of Related Brands
Email: *****@*******.***
Main Phone: (303)-333-2936
Direct Phone: *** **** ***   ext: ****
Assistant Name: ** **** ***
Assistant Phone: *** **** ***
Address: 1800 Wazee Street
Suite 300
Denver, CO

John G. Chief Digital Officer & Chief Data Strategist CO
Sam J. Media Director CO
Kelsey A. Media Director CO
Jamie R. Creative Director CO

Client Relationships

Brand Service From To Media Spend
******* **** **** & ******* ***. Creative, Digital *
******'* ******** ********, ***. Digital, Creative, Media Planning *
*** ********* *** *** Creative, Digital *

See Winmo sales intelligence in action


Millennial Digital Opps: Nature's Sunshine Products to increase spend in H2 (Score 39)

exceeded expectations. In Q2, NSP's customer growth was up 30%, and the company believes this is primarily due to online marketing. It will continue increasing spend in H2, based off of the success during the first half of 2021. Sellers should contact NSP to find out additional details and to offer H2 ad space. 

According to Pathmatics, NSP earned 265.6m impressions YTD through desktop display ads (52%), Facebook ads (37%) and Instagram ads (11%). It placed the majority (72%) of these ads site direct onto sties such as,,, and It placed the remainder (28%) indirectly through Google AdX+AdSense and Zeta onto sites such as,,, and It spent around $1.4m on digital display ads YTD, a significant jump from $147.9k spent in this channel during the same time period of 2020. Full-year spend jumped from $90.5k in 2019 to $305.7k in 2020. 

Sellers-- I believe NSP is primarily targeting millennial consumers through digital ads. The company started ramping spend up in 2020 and has continued so far this year. It announced in its Q2 earnings report that these investments have provided a positive ROI, and that it will continue adding dollars to these channels . Sellers should start reaching out to offer H2 ad space and secure some of these extra ad dollars. 

Agency & martech readers-- I believe the only agency NSP works with is LRXD, which provides creative, digital and media planning assistance. I see no signs indicating this company will review its roster anytime soon. You will likely have better luck looking for work elsewhere.