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Traina Design | Agency Profile, Contacts, AOR, Client Relationships

Service: brand consultancy

Main Telephone
(619) 567-7100
Primary Address
10680 Treena Street
Suite 520
San Diego, CA 92104

Traina Design Contacts

Contacts (5/6)
Name Title State
David T. Chief Executive Officer CA
Sample of Related Brands
Email: *****@*******.***
Main Phone: (619) 567-7100
Direct Phone: *** **** ***   ext: ****
Assistant Name: ** **** ***
Assistant Phone: *** **** ***
Address: 10680 Treena Street
Suite 520
San Diego, CA

Mark G. Chief Creative Officer CA
Matt B. Chief Strategy Officer CA
Megan K. Director, Brand Strategy CA
Kristi J. Director, Account Services CA

Client Relationships

Brand Service From To Media Spend
******* ***** Creative *
******** ********** Creative *
****** ****** **********, ***. Creative *
******** ******** ***** ****** ********** Creative *

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Outdoor Enthusiasts Digital Opps: Nalgene Outdoor picks up AOR (Score 26)

responsible for promoting Nalgene's new water bottles that are made from 50% recycled material. Guru is a full-service agency and it signed a two-year contract with Nalgene. 

According to Pathmatics, TFS earned 873m impressions YTD through desktop display ads (59%), desktop video ads (18%), mobile display ads (13%), Facebook ads (8%) and Instagram ads (1%). It placed the majority (61%) of these ads site direct onto sites such as,,, and It placed the remainder (39%) through a variety of indirect channels onto sites such as,,, and It spent around $4.1m on digital display ads YTD, a 67% increase from $2.4m spent in this channel during the same time period of 2020. Full-year spend jumped from $4.2m in 2019 to $10m in 2020. 

Sellers-- Nalgene's water bottles appeal to outdoor enthusiasts. Considering it mainly invests in digital ads, it is likely targeting Gen-Z and millennials. TFS has been increasing spend for a couple of years now, and with the recent AOR appointment I predict it will increase spend for Nalgene soon. TFS also invests in print, radio and OOH ads, per Kantar. Sellers should reach out offering relevant ad space. 

Agency & martech readers-- To the best of my knowledge, the only agency TFS works with is creative shop Traina Design. Agency reviews are known to follow one another, so you might be able to pick up some of this company's business. Remember to check back in two years when Guru's contract with Nalgene is up.