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Service: social media marketing

Main Telephone
(818) 955-5214
Primary Address
2660 West Olive Avenue
Suite 300
Burbank, CA 91505
USA Contacts

Contacts (5/14)
Name Title State
Matt S. President & Chief Creative Officer CA
Sample of Related Brands
Email: *****@*******.***
Main Phone: (818) 955-5214
Direct Phone: *** **** ***   ext: ****
Assistant Name: ** **** ***
Assistant Phone: *** **** ***
Address: 2660 West Olive Avenue
Suite 300
Burbank, CA

Dan A. Art Director CA
Jillian M. Art Director CA
Farah H. Associate Creative Director CA
Abigale F. Group Creative Director CA

Client Relationships

Brand Service From To Media Spend
***** *******, ***. Social *

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Business DM Opps: Cisco finds new marketing leader amid national TV spend increase (Score 78)

In November 2019, 

According to iSpot, Cisco's national TV commercials in 2019 aired in Q2 and Q4; we will likely see a similar pattern in 2020. Last year's spend targeted Gen-X and boomer men (see targeting right) and increased exponentially to roughly $853,040 from roughly $4,507 in 2018.

Adbeat reports that Cisco spent an estimated $2.4 million from February 2019-2020, a slight (-8%) drop from the estimated $2.6 million it spent in the year prior. The majority of last year's ads were placed programmatically via Google ($1.1 million), native through Taboola ($560,500) or placed site direct ($551,200); top site destinations included ($241,400),,, and

Cisco tends to target businessmen, especially millennials and Gen-X; Kantar indicates that it also utilizes OOH, print and local broadcast.

Agency & martech readers - Since newly-hired marketing leaders often conduct agency reviews, consider getting on Cisco's radar sooner than later. Its roster currently includes (global social media since 2019). Considering how recent these last two appointments were, you'll have the easiest time securing creative and/or media.

**Note: We were not able to confirm Starter's email by the time of publication, but we will let you know when this changes.**